Professional Photos of Your Family at Disneyland

I love to find ways to go the extra mile with my traveling families. Beyond planning for the trip, there are details and resources that help create memories. Recently I had this conversation with my client Jadel…
“You know memories will last a lifetime…that’s why you plan so many wonderful things to do with Delaney and Donnie. I’ve been thinking about your trip and all of the fabulous discoveries you are going to make at Walt Disney’s first park…and I know how excited you are to visit Southern California and Disneyland and I thought you might want a ‘souvenir’ that will capture those memories.”
Enter Photography by Jaana… she is a local California photographer who is able to enter the parks with you and capture vibrant, iconic photos of your family during a 2-3 hour photo session. 
Photo credit: Photography by Jaana
Here’s how she describes her passion….

My name is Jaana and I’m a Vacation Photographer for the Southern California area.  I know… that sounds like a made-up job.  I guess it kind of is!  I was struck with inspiration after one of my many trips to Disneyland where I watched families struggle to take selfies, get the kids to cooperate, or just shoot a decent photo at all!  I knew I could provide a service to make that easier for people.  And my little world of vacation photography was born.

Now, I realize that booking a vacation photographer might be the last thing that crosses your mind while planning a trip. But here’s why it works:

1) Southern California is a prime vacation destination.  We’ve got it all — from mountains to oceans to theme parks galore.  Tons of options, mixed with great weather, which serve as a backdrop for beautiful family photos.  And if you’d like suggestions of locations that fit into your travel plans, shoot me an email.  I’m happy to help!

2) Vacation is usually a time when you’re all just happy to be together.  Free from the stresses of schedules and school work and the day-to-day grind.  It’s the perfect time to capture genuine smiles and excitement (and maybe a tantrum or two).  All part of the experience.

3)  When you return home and go through your photos, you will have creative, high quality images of everyone together.  Mom and Dad can be in the photos and, quite simply, be present and in the moment to soak in all that family goodness.  A priceless souvenir and tangible memory that can be shared for generations to come.

I hope that gives you a little glimpse into what I love to do and why I love to do it.  Booking is limited, so let’s start planning your vacation photo session today!  Contact me via email with your travel dates so we can work out the details.  Congrats on taking this first big step to being part of your own family vacation! 

I spoke with Jaana earlier this week – getting to know her a little better and chatting about my families who were traveling to California in the next few months. We worked together to create a special offer for all Embrace the Journey Travel clients and friends… as a THANK YOU! for supporting us and Jaana when you book a photo package with our referral code “EmbraceTravel”, Jaana will offer you one additional credit for 1 more edited digital image (a $25 value) on top of the ones included in your chosen package.

If you are interested in setting up a session with her, just let me know and I can help coordinate and connect you both.

I’m just tickled pink at how much fun your family is going to have at Disneyland!